chrome extension fast forward
chrome extension fast forward

2024年1月23日—FastForwardisaChromeextensiondevelopedbyervikththatprovidesconvenientvideospeedcontrolsforYouTube.Thisfreeextensionallows ...,版本.1.60;已更新.2024年1月22日;提供者.ervikth;大小.21.68KiB;語言.English.,Controltheplaybackspeedofvideosb...


FastForwardcircumventsannoyinglinkshorteners.FastForwardcircumventssiteswhichmakeyouwait(,makeyoudosomething(e.g.,show.coand ...

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Fast Forward for Google Chrome

2024年1月23日 — Fast Forward is a Chrome extension developed by ervikth that provides convenient video speed controls for YouTube. This free extension allows ...

Fast Forward Speed Control

版本. 1.60 ; 已更新. 2024年1月22日 ; 提供者. ervikth ; 大小. 21.68KiB ; 語言. English.

Fast Forward Speed Control

Control the playback speed of videos beyond standard limits. Quick Guide: To increase speed: Click '>>' or scroll up To decrease speed: Click '<<' or scroll ...


FastForward circumvents annoying link shorteners. FastForward circumvents sites which make you wait (like, make you do something (e.g., and ...


FastForward is the successor of Universal Bypass, a browser extension made for Chromium, Edge and Firefox, that can bypass annoying link shorteners, ...


Install Chrome Extension · S - decrease playback speed. · D - increase playback speed. · R - reset playback speed to 1.0x. · Z - rewind video by 10 seconds. · X - ...

Top 6 Video Speed Controller Extensions for Chrome ...

You can have six speed options, ranging from 0.2x to 8x. What's more, you can utilize its flexible speed curve feature to create butter-smooth fast forward ...

Video Speed Controller

Install the Video Speed Controller Chrome Extension to have full control over any online video speed playback rate ... Fast-forward/rewind video speed from 0.25X ...


2024年1月23日—FastForwardisaChromeextensiondevelopedbyervikththatprovidesconvenientvideospeedcontrolsforYouTube.Thisfreeextensionallows ...,版本.1.60;已更新.2024年1月22日;提供者.ervikth;大小.21.68KiB;語言.English.,Controltheplaybackspeedofvideosbeyondstandardlimits.QuickGuide:Toincreasespeed:Click'>>'orscrollupTodecreasespeed:Click'<<'orscroll ...,FastForwardcircumventsannoyinglink...